Guest Information

Tea & Coffee Facilities
Complimentary Tea and Coffee Facilities are available to guests and can be found on the First Floor through the first door on the left-hand side.
Check In and Check Out
Please vacate the room by 11 am on the day of departure. Guests can check-in at 3 pm.
Doctor & Pharmacy.
The nearest local Medical Surgery is Deel Medical Surgery, which can be reached at +353 96 31313. For out of Hours medical emergencies, you can contact WestDoc on 0818 360 000. We also provide information on nearby pharmacies.
Iron / Ironing Boards
Irons and Ironing Boards are available upon request.
Travel Cots
We will do everything possible to accommodate your request if you require a travel cot for your room. Please note to add all special requests in the ‘Add Comment’ area when making a reservation on our website.
Non-Smoking Hotel
We are a non-smoking hotel. There is a 100 Euro charge for guests who smoke in the bedrooms.
Free Parking is available to Guests and Customers of the Dolphin Hotel. Our Car Park is available at the rear of the Hotel.
As much as we love our furry companions, we cannot accommodate them at the Dolphin Hotel. However, we would be delighted to recommend local Kennels.
230 volt AC



The Dolphin Hotel
Ballina Street
Co. Mayo


+353 96 31640




+353 96 31640

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